
For those of you that don't know, I like aprons! Even though my cooking is not always great (or edible) I figure at least when I cook I can look like I know what I am doing! My uncle Dale is the one that actually got me stuck on aprons, every time we go to Tennessee, me and the girls get to help him cook and he always made us wear aprons like him. I figured I would carry on his tradition, so now when the girls help me cook I MAKE them wear an apron. Their not too happy about it most of time, but I enjoy it so they don't have any choice. (that's a mom perk) Well today I ran across an apron pattern online that looked real cute so I decided to give it a try and I think they both turned out cute...

The one on top is made from the back of blue jeans. The other apron is made out of the leg of the pair of blue jeans. cute huh?Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Those are very pretty,Uncle Dale will be proud,when he get's here I will show him.Love you Mom

Rose said...

Michelle, those are too cute. I thought they were really cute skirts at first glance. How clever you are!