
Resurrection Day!

Resurrection Day!

I am so thankful for this day! It's all because of Jesus and His sacrifice, that we have hope. I can't imagine living life with no hope. Life would truly be pointless. He has been so good to me, I am speechless when I think of the blessings and the forgiveness that He has given me. He loves me when I am unlovely (which is alot of the time), and all He wants us to do is love Him above all else and love our neighbors as we love ourselves. It sounds so simple, but yet so hard at times. Especially when the people we are commanded to love, bring out the worst in us. I thank God that He has saved me and gave me grace. I was one of those people that really wasn't too nice to those that wasn't nice to me first. He has truly changed my heart, because now when the worst tries to come out, its stopped before it ever leaves my mouth. I no longer have the desire to "get back" at someone, I only want to love them. Its weird. But I recognize that it is only God. He has filled me with a love and compassion that I have never known and I am so thankful.

Jesus said, how can you say you love me whom you have never seen and hate the brother whom you have seen? Powerful words and so true. I have no idea why I am writing this, I only wanted to thank Jesus for this Resurrection day. But you have to know, we are commanded to love everyone. I had a talk with God awhile back and I told Him that I couldn't love this certain person that was really bothering me. I told Him all the negatives about this person (like He didn't already know) and tried to plead my case. I was not nice at all and I was unloading on God all I felt for this person. As usual, when I got done and took a breath, God spoke so clearly to me and said, "Your right, this person is very ugly in their ways, but so are you at times." Well with that being said, I made it a point to ask God to change my heart toward this person and to help me to love them. And He totally has. Just remember that if there is someone is your life that you think you cant have a changed heart toward. We are no different than them, all of our ugliness looks the same to God. If He can love us when we are unlovely, we need to be doing the same thing. Happy Resurrection Day and may the peace of God fill your soul.