
Bad Blogger

Well, I have been a bad blogger. I havent blogged since the pups were five weeks old, now they are nine weeks and they are all gone!!! I missed blogging about Thanksgiving, which was awesome, I even missed blogging about the snow!! So I reckon I will just hit on some of the highlights.
Well, one thing I did was take some new pictures of the girls, we had alot of fun doing this. Here are my favorite ones!!


Mallorie. All the pictures came out GREAT and we had alot of fun!!

This is my AWESOME Thanksgiving treat. This is what me and the girls made to take to my sisters. It's a turkey made out of rice krispies and decorated with candy!! I told my sister I was bringing something great for desert, after making three other deserts that were horrible, and I mean HORRIBLE, we come up with this idea. We figured if we couldnt make something that tasted good, that we would make something fun!

This is where Bert fried the turkey!! It started raining right when he put the turkey on so he had to use his resources! Dont worry, my sister had a fire extinguisher in the house. The turkey turned out GREAT! It was the only thing that there was no more of!

This is everyone!! We had lots of fun and LOTS of food. We probably could have feed at least 50 more people. I would like to say that I actually helped clean up this year, but to say that would be lying. I was too full!! Sorry sis, I will help clean next year!!!
Well I would like to put up pictures of the girls in the snow, but Linzy erased them, however, the images are burned in my mind and they are great pictures, wish you could see them.
Hope you enjoyed the pictures!!

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