Happy Anniversary To US!!!!!!!! Ten Blessed years today!! Thought I would take a trip down memory lane and see how we have changed!!!
This picture above is when we first got married. By looking at our hairstyle you would think it was in the 80's, but it wasnt. It was 1998!! This is a picture taking Easter Sunday. This is also back when we use to be "Christeasters" you know people that only go to church on Christmas and Easter! Boy, have we come along with Christ since then!!! Thank God!!!
This picture was taken in the beautiful Bahamas!!! That was a GREAT Vacation!!!
Still newlyweds, just better haircuts.
This was back in the trailer when we moved from Long Beach to Picayune. Man that seems like forever ago and but yet like yesterday. Weird.
This was back in the trailer when we moved from Long Beach to Picayune. Man that seems like forever ago and but yet like yesterday. Weird.
This is us after me finishing Paramedic School. I reckon Bert thought when he married me I needed an education.
How sweet is it to be married to your best friend? It's sweet!! How much fun is it to be married to someone who makes you laugh all the time?? It's FUN!!
Chilling out in orlando!!
and the most recent picture of us in destin. I know its not ten years worth of picutres, that would take too long!!
I am truly a blessed women. I have a wonderful husband who loves me more than anything and wants to spend time with me. That is truly a blessing. I am looking forward to the next ten years!!!! Awe man, I should have found those pictures of some of the food he has had to eat of the last ten years!!! Now that would have been a stroll down memory lane!!
How sweet is it to be married to your best friend? It's sweet!! How much fun is it to be married to someone who makes you laugh all the time?? It's FUN!!
"Two Peas in a Pod" thats us!!
Happy Anniversary to us!!! Whoop Whoop!!!
Yeah, I remember the trip to the Bahamas.Great trip until you got back to the states or was it before you left the SUV broke down..Time does fly when you have such wonderful friends to share your time..Thank you Lord for my friends,bless them and may their marriage be a light that reflects you.I love ya Bert and Chelle...
Awwwwwww Happy Anniversary!
Y'all are too cute!
Jill :)
Happy Anniversary to you guys.
You look so cute together then and now. LOL....
Well have a great anniversary.
Love you guys,
P.S. Mallorie looks just like you when you had long hair.
Happy Anniversary!
I loved the trip down memory lane :)
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