

Ok, for those of you who dont know the family. This is my Dad, my crazy, wacky, funny, smart, fungi. The reason my Dad has on an elf hat, is actually is a very funny story. It was a week before Christmas and I wanted to get him a present, sooooo, I decided to get my dad an elf costume. It changed our life from there on out. I mean the guy never took the stinking stuff off. My sister said one morning that she took him coffee and he woke up with the hat still on his head. He wore it constantly!!! Just like his coffee cup he never washes!! Then it happened, he just had to walk us to catch the bus. We cried and we begged for him to go back inside, but he wouldnt budge. He stayed until the bus came, he stood there, with the elf hat and shorts for all to see. Well thats my crazy dad for ya. And yes I learned my lesson, never get your dad a elf costume for Christmas.

Oh what a flash back!!

his proud daughter,



Anonymous said...

Big Goober

Anonymous said...

That is a really pretty looking girl. Where is your picture of your daddy?

Anonymous said...

LOL... Just the way i remeamber him...LOL

Anonymous said...

hey daddy it's emi!!! luv ya and see ya on turkey day!!!

Anonymous said...

If only i was a member of the bus!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey! That is one great looking guy!! You girls sure are lucky to have him in your family!!!!

Anonymous said...

yes dad, we are very lucky to have you!!
your girls