
Cheap Fabric Organizing..

I am NOT an organized person on the outside, but on the inside, I sure do want to be one!
My fabric has really gotten out of hand and it has been bothering me like a sore thumb every time I look at it. I found some ideas on the internet and while they were good ideas, they were not very cheap...and as most people know...I am cheap.....(not ashamed...)
So If you are cheap, like me, you will love this idea.

step 1.
Have your side kick (in this case it was my husband and my mom) help you collect campaign signs, MAKE SURE YOU WAIT TILL THE ELECTIONS ARE OVER OR YOU WILL GET IN TROUBLE!
step 2.
once you have collected your signs you can begin cutting them. All the signs were 24" wide which is perfect, I cut each sign 8" wide, which means I got three pieces out of one sign.
step 3.
after all your pieces are cut, you can fold your fabric to the width of your liking and begin to roll it on the 8" plastic sign. I used tape to secured the fabric to sign and when your done rolling it, you can either fold the ends like they do at the fabric store, or you can do as I did and pin the end in place.

scraps can even be used.
step 4.
take a step back at your project and give yourself a pat on the back for having one thing in your life organized.....I did....(great things are achieved with small steps)


I'm back.....

I'm slowly coming back.....I have not blogged since March, that pretty much makes me a really bad blogger..Unfortunately I have become like most people and I have let myself get "too busy"...I truly hate being "too busy"...I have a lot to blog about....., my 13th anniversary to my Best friend, my mom finally moving close to me!, a daughter graduating (Praise God!), one turning 15 and leaving 14 behind (another Praise God!) and even another turning sweet 16(and she is truly sweet and lets all say Praise God!). Just thinking of what all has transpired since March makes me want to sit and take a deep breath...oh well, enough of my excuses...I need to fix and update my blog, find out what the heck happened to my music, upload some pics of the last5 months, write what the Lord has been doing, (sneak some pics of my craft projects on here) and get this baby back rolling...

I shall return....