
Another Happy for my Mom for Mothers Day

this is something else that I seen on another blog, that I thought I needed to make. I dont think that the pictures does it much justice, but take my advice.....it is extremely cute....
Its a counter dish towel for your dishes to dry on, it's not something you have to have, it's just one of those things that is nice to have...

Making this Mothers Day a handmade one...Mom's love that kind of stuff..


My new Pots!!

Ignore the dead flowers and look at those CUTE pots!!!! Hopefully the flowers will live, if not they will get plucked and replaced.......but don't you just love those pots!!! I snagged this idea from another blog, bought the pots and sweet talked my husband and there you have it..It doesnt take much to make me happy...and let me just say, right now I am very very happy!!!
Momma I will make you some!!!


Day at the Lake...

There is nothing like spending the day with your family on the Lake..I wish we could do this everyday!!! Thanks to Kevin for letting us use his boat, Bert let each girl drive the boat on the Lake, thanks now to him Emily has a new addiction... the only down side is that they like going fast and I dont, so one of my angels suggested I get out for awhile....actually she didnt really say it that nice, her exact words were "Dad let the chicken out so we can go fast"...bet you cant guess what girl said that.....hope you enjoy the pics sorry for the clipart over the photos, they chose to wear a bikini so I chose to ink it out!!! (active parent ha ha)


Momma's Girl

I just had to post this picture because I think she is absolutely Beautiful.....

(meanwhile......150 miles away I guarantee you, my Mom (aka Big Madea) is looking at this photo (of little madea) and saying...(for dramatic effect...please put emphasis on the quotation marks) """God love it, bless her heart"""" .........i love my mom...

Mothers day is coming!!!

Mothers day is right around the corner and I have been seeing some sweet stuff out there, this by far is my favorite. Its called the "Together Necklace", its a Lisa Leonard design, you can visit her website at Lisa Leonard Designs there is some awesome things there and all are handmade that any Momma would love.....Im just saying.....get off your butt people and put some thought into the gift for the woman that birthed ya!!