
Christmas with the Klines...

This Christmas was wonderful. The only thing I would change if I could, would have have been to slow it down, only to enjoy it more. Thanking Jesus for another Christmas to spend with my family, that is such a wonderful gift.
Lots of laughs and lots of memories made. My Mom and Dad were in to spend this Christmas with us. You haven't lived until you have Fuzzy at your Christmas dinner!! Another sweet blessing was to have Hannah here.
God always seems to give you the desire of your heart, and who could ask for anything more, than to spend time with those who you love most.
Love truly is the greatest gift.

I cant wait to watch her on this vacation!!

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Here are my girls...
words will never be able to describe how much I love them!!

KrazyKlines...that's us!!

Emily with her pillow pet....

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Can I make them all go back to being 7?
I love him!!
This is his elf costume...He wears it EVERY night from Thanksgiving until Christmas..for the last 5 years!....Thanks Linzy for giving him a gift that keeps on giving..and giving...and giving...
Now we are ready for a New Year..
Cant wait to see what the Lord has in store for us...
What ever it is, I am determined to let our Light Shine...

All things work together for the good of those that love the Lord and are called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

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Seeking Wise Counsel

What I have learned..
This one is really a no brainer....but yet, it is the simple things that we let trap us..
In God's word, there is lots of versus about Wisdom and seeking wise counsel...everyone would probably agree that, that in its self is a no brainer and something we need to do...However, that's probably the last thing we do..
Whenever we are angry or hurt or frustrated, our flesh seeks and desires someone to listen to us that will agree with us and tell us that we are right, its a way of "feeding our flesh"...and to be honest, that at that time feels right.
But what I have learned, is that if I set "myself" aside and seek wise counsel, (like He said), the outcome is different and I end up learning something (crazy ain't it) or actually growing and becoming a little better...
or how about this....
When I really am angry with someone, I do what I was taught, I go to the Lord and pray for them...sweet right? NOT....especially if I start praying like David did ( hint hint...that's what I do at first)....I pray like he did for my enemies...Oh Lord strike them down, SMITE them...turn your back on them!!! but in the middle of that, I hear the wise counsel....and then I remember I am suppose to be forgiving my enemy and praying for blessing for my enemies...not for the Lord to strike them down... its there where I learn to be humble...but the point is, I could never get there, if I only found someone to "feed my flesh" when I'm upset..
So whats the point of all this yakking? Glad you asked...besides its my blog and I felt like talking, you know I am a women...of course I like talking.....I'm just thankful to God for putting people in my life that are "wise"...not worldly wise, but Godly wisdom...(I got all the worldly wisdom I need). These people have spoke life into me, not just words...they fill me with food and place me back on the narrow path. Having that, is a great blessing...they don't feed my flesh and side with me, they instead set me back on the side I'm suppose to be.
so end of lesson....don't rant to someone who will only agree with you and feed your flesh...find someone who knows the Lord, and will speak TRUTH (ouch!!! that hurts sometimes) and LIFE!!
end result...humulity...peace....closer to HIM.....
"Listen to wise advice; follow it closely, for it will do you good, and you can pass it on to others: Trust in the Lord."


Sticks and stones is a load of PooP!!!

The words of a man's mouth are deep waters....
Proverbs 18:4

Words are so powerful!!! That old saying "sticks and stones" was a load of poop. Words can hurt, tear down and really destroy..But just as negative as that is, words also have the power to lift and build up, to reassure, to confirm, to comfort, to edify, to exalt, to praise and they also can make someone's heart smile.....and yes, if you didn't know, your heart can actually smile....I love words, that is, I love life giving words...
I was so blessed this morning when I checked my email and this sweet little note was waiting for me from a complete stranger....and if your wondering, it made my heart smile...thank you for that....

Here is the email...oh and PRAISE GOD!

Hi Kline Family, I know you dont know me. But after reading your blog I had to share with you, How Jesus just used you guys! I was looking in the paper for a female old english pup and came across your add. So I looked up your blog and as soon as it pulled up the music started playing and tears just filled my eyes. Wow!! THANK YOU FOR BEING FAITHFULL! I have been going through A ruff season of my life and God has been doing little things to just say ' Daughter I have not left you'! Anyway I felt I needed to write and let you guys know that God used you today to touch my life! We are still looking for a puppy so if u have some more let me know. Thanks so much and My yall have a very Blessed Thanksgiving!!! God Bless!

Mrs. Jennifer L. Vieira


No more puppies!

I am so happy that the Lord sent us such great people to give our puppies a new home! I know they all will be spoiled....It's nice to see people pick up their puppies and have a pink bow ready to put on their pups head!! I feel confident and assured that they will all be taken care of....And I have to say, 7 weeks is a long time taking care of 13 pups!!! It's a lot of work and we couldn't have done it without the help of our girls, puppies here are a family event...and if you are wondering, YES we are glad that its over and they are with their new parents....its nice to have the smell of fresh poop out of the air! Now, I can blog pictures of my family, and yes at times those resemble animals too!!!!


Two female pups available

Please leave your email address when you leave comments so I can answer your questions.

I have two female puppies available right now. They are 7 weeks old and ready for a new home. One of the puppies is available because we intended on keeping her, but have decided with our busy work schedule, she would be better off somewhere else. The other pup is available due to the people that wanted her, have had a family emergency and will no longer be able to get her. So if you are interested let me know.


Oh my gosh I forgot two of my pups!!!

Malyumpkin has a new home!!
I dont know how I did it, but somehow yesterday when I was uploading, I left these two out!!...now that makes 13!!
Petal has a new home!!


Puppies 5 week Birthday!!

Happe has a new home!
Chomp has a new home
Darling has a new home

These puppies are too darn cute!!!!
To the lady that placed her deposit on Happe, you need to send me your contact information. I don't have any contact numbers for you.
Grumsby has a new home

Buttons has a new home!

Dolly has a new home
Bernard has a new home
Beethoven has a new home

Nahum has a new home!

Posted by PicasaTinker has a new home


Puppies @ 4 weeks!

I was finally able to get these little guys and take their 4 week old pictures!! They have grown so much, and they are getting to where now they are trying to run and play, they are so fun to watch. It wont be long before they are ready for their new homes and I know some anxious parents out there! I hope you enjoy the pictures and I hope that their 5 week pictures arent this late!!
Chomp has a new home

Grumsby has a new home

Tinker has a deposit made.

Happe has a new home

Malyumpkin has a new home

Betthoven has a new home

Bernard has a new home


Puppies Four Week Pictures

Sorry I don't have the updated four week pictures blogged yet. I will be working a 24 hour shift today and wont be able to post those sweet pictures. I will have my daughter take their pictures today for me and I will upload them first thing tomorrow....and boy have they grown in one week....


These pups are so cute, I could EAT THEM UP!!!!!

It's not their week birthday yet, but I couldnt resist posting these pictures!!! They are soooo cute. Linzy could be called the Pied Piper of Pups (say that three times fast) whenever she gets in the pin with them.... they all go to her, then pile up and go to sleep. If she gets up and moves they follow her, its so cute...
Mallorie and I, I reckon dont have the same animal magnet..ha
I take that back, the runt is always going for Mallorie....what does that mean?????
Well I know Im not suppose to be partial, but Im gonna have to say I LOVE GRUMSBY!!! He is too precious....
The first picture is of Mal and Grumsby....yes they are both cute.!!
Pied Piper....Linzy
This Chomp, he has no worries.....
This is my Grumsby!!!!!
And another one of my Grumsby......I know, thats my last partial comment....