
Puppies turn two weeks old!!!

The pups are changing and growing fast. All of them now have their eyes open and they are soooooo cute!!! They are very hard to take pictures of because they move around alot! Hope you enjoy the pictures!!!

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Hope has a new home!!!

Love has a new home!!!

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Watch for Scammers!!

It is very unfortunate that we live in a time that you constantly have to be on the look out for people trying to scam you or someone else. In an effort to sale our puppies and see that they go to go good homes, people are already trying to scam me. I was informed by a website today that someone set up an email account (a bogus one) and listed MY puppies for sale and put MY blog as their link, like its their puppies or something! The nerve some people have.
In saying that, I do not want anyone to get scammed, so if you are on this blog looking at my puppies and are interested in buying one my email address is klinemedix@bellsouth.net or my husbands email is rig40med@yahoo.com. Any other email address given for my pups is a scam. You are more than welcome to leave me a comment on this website or call me directly. My information has already been posted on terrificpets.com and k9stud.com.
Note to scammers: I am a child of God, I am fully and completely protected by Him. The Lord Himself has said, "Do not touch my anointed". Woe to you, for my God will repay me ten fold from what ever you try to take from me, and in Him giving me back ten fold, you scammers will also receive what you deserve ten fold.


Found some good stuff!

Well for some strange reason I have been feeling very crafty for the last two weeks, don't really know why. Most of the time when I make stuff, I end up only making a mess!! Any who...it's still fun trying!! While in my search for some projects to make, I have came across some AMAZING blogs. Most of them appear to be christian women with ALOT of talent, the blogs are fun to read and their different ideas and crafts are amazing. I wanted to share them with you, if you are the type that likes being crafty, even if your not they are definitely worth looking at and sharing!! I have listed them on the right side of my blog under "blogs I like to read, they are the ones that have (NEW) beside them. LOL...I wanted it to be obvious...can't get no more obvious than that!! Rose, if your reading this, I think you will like them alot, because you are a talented woman too!! Let me know what you think!!! (oh yeah, and Monica.... I am still waiting on our craft day, pencil me in on your OCD board!!!haha

Puppies are here!!!

Gracie gave birth to 13 puppies!! They came two days early, but they are all doing good!! I checked today and it appears I have nine girls and four boys!! I am not surprised due to the fact this house is majority female anyway!(sorry Bert) Gracie is doing her job and as to no surprise she is a GREAT mom!! I already can't wait until they develop their little personalities and start causing chaos around here!!


Picayune Homecoming

All the girls looked beautiful!! There were also alot of BEAUTIFUL shoes, (who doesn't like a cute pair of shoes) But my favorite are these right here!! I loved Arden's Red shoes, and I did find out they are a size 7, so I am gonna have to borrow these....but first things first, I have to learn to walk in heels and second I have to find somewhere to wear them other than around the house!

This pic is of the beautiful girls I was telling you about

More shoes!!! Look at all those gorgeous shoes!!

Some tugging going on!!

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Picayune Homecoming

All the girls get dressed up one more time for the Picayune Homecoming!!! Here are some cute snapshots of all of them right before they left, hope you enjoy!!!

Victoria is not camera shy, here she is striking a pose!

Here is the group pic. I like the fact that they travel in a group!

Mallorie and Jon Jon

victoria and Kristi, they are so silly! Posted by Picasa


For those of you that don't know, I like aprons! Even though my cooking is not always great (or edible) I figure at least when I cook I can look like I know what I am doing! My uncle Dale is the one that actually got me stuck on aprons, every time we go to Tennessee, me and the girls get to help him cook and he always made us wear aprons like him. I figured I would carry on his tradition, so now when the girls help me cook I MAKE them wear an apron. Their not too happy about it most of time, but I enjoy it so they don't have any choice. (that's a mom perk) Well today I ran across an apron pattern online that looked real cute so I decided to give it a try and I think they both turned out cute...

The one on top is made from the back of blue jeans. The other apron is made out of the leg of the pair of blue jeans. cute huh?Posted by Picasa