
Busy Day.

Ok. This is what I felt and looked like this morning when I woke up. The sad part is, is that I stayed liked this all day. I blame most of this on the all the weather people stressing me out. I don't know if anyone else feels the same way I do, but I am really tired of hearing of the hurricane. I think that they started talking about it way to soon, I think that that it ought to be a law that they can only talk about it once it gets into the gulf. It always changes when it gets in there anyway. Linzy and I have been praying every since the weather people have been speaking doom and gloom over it. We decided to rebuke what ever they said and speak positive and life over the storm. What ever happened to speaking things into existence? Our household is firm believers that we can speak things into existence, God says we reap what we sow, being that our word is seed, it would only make sense to speak life. The other Great thing, is remembering that God is so much bigger than any storm and that he is wonderfully known for calming the storms. All the negativity that I have heard on the t.v. last night and this morning had really sucked all the life out of me. Isn't it amazing that negativity wears you out. Being negative is actually hard work. I woke this morning kinda angry that so many people have spoken so much doom over this. Wouldn't it be so nice if these people would have woke up and prayed about the storm before broadcasting the news to us? I think we would have a different out come. This is just the icing on the cake! (no punt intended for my sister's business) The absolutely most ridiculous and dare I say the s word, yes I dare, STUPID thing I have heard this week is this, and I quote " We need to really pray hard and then prepare for the worst". Am I the only one that finds this statement making them choose if they want to laugh out loud and throw an apple at the guy or hurl their recent ingestion of a frozen nutty bar. Yeah its a hard choice. Pray but expect the worse? Hmmm. Why even pray at all if your expecting the worst? I can't quote scripture that well, but I know I have read that we are suppose to "whatever things you ask in prayer, believing you will receive" that kinda is opposite of what was quote earlier. The best part is Linzy picked up on this while we was listening to the radio!! If you all know Linzy, she basically called the man an idiot (which I had to correct her and tell her that it isnt nice to call people idiots, even if they deserve it) and she said he needs another job! Smart kid.
And last but certainly not least the weather man last night said (boy is he a genius) "the direction this storm takes is really gonna depend on whether it goes to the left or to the right" here's your sign!!
Keep us in your prayers, we are leaving tonight to go to work. And if any of you see Opie walking around the neighborhood, please put him back in the fence or take him home with you!!!


Linzy turns 13!!!!

My Baby is a teenager! 13 is a big Deal!! Especially when its your baby your talking about!! Linzy had a great party!! Lots of friends showed up to help us celebrate!
Another cool cake from Aunt Crystal. Linzy loves Justice League so we had to get a cake with our (notice I said Our) favorite heros!!
Why does my child insist on making these faces for pictures? It's almost like she doesnt want me to have a picture of her smiling!

Ok, this one is a lot better. Look how sweet she is! For everyone that knows her, this isnt her sweet smile. This is her "I am up to something" smile. Her and Emily both have one of these!

If I would have let her, she would have just licked the whole cake!! Yeah, sometimes we do stuff like that! But since their was alot of company she kept her manners.

Her is my sweet teenager with a real smile. She is such a sweet, smart and FUNNY girl. We love her so much and are very proud of who she is!!

Wacky Friends

Linzy and John making silly faces!

there could never be a party without SALLY!

Ben and Mallorie

Here is a bunch of them having fun, this is not all of them though. Man! There was tons of them!

Here is the party poopers that didnt go swimming!

Girls having fun!
She is too Cute!

Well, Linzy had lots of fun and the sleep over was great. We had a record breaking number of 14!! That is ALOT of girls!! Bert and I both survived! God is good and grants us patience when we need it the most! I pray that God will show Linzy her destiny that He has for her and that through her teenage years she will grow with God and closer to Him so that she can be the Young Women that He has made her to be. All of our girls are true 100% blessings.


This is just a classic for us. I wanted to make him a video this year, but time got away from me. O well, there's always his birthday!! What man doesn't like to see his family totally embarrass themselves for his enjoyment!!

Happy Anniversary!!!

Happy Anniversary To US!!!!!!!! Ten Blessed years today!! Thought I would take a trip down memory lane and see how we have changed!!!
This picture above is when we first got married. By looking at our hairstyle you would think it was in the 80's, but it wasnt. It was 1998!! This is a picture taking Easter Sunday. This is also back when we use to be "Christeasters" you know people that only go to church on Christmas and Easter! Boy, have we come along with Christ since then!!! Thank God!!!
This picture was taken in the beautiful Bahamas!!! That was a GREAT Vacation!!!
Still newlyweds, just better haircuts.
This was back in the trailer when we moved from Long Beach to Picayune. Man that seems like forever ago and but yet like yesterday. Weird.

This is us after me finishing Paramedic School. I reckon Bert thought when he married me I needed an education.

Chilling out in orlando!!

and the most recent picture of us in destin. I know its not ten years worth of picutres, that would take too long!!
I am truly a blessed women. I have a wonderful husband who loves me more than anything and wants to spend time with me. That is truly a blessing. I am looking forward to the next ten years!!!! Awe man, I should have found those pictures of some of the food he has had to eat of the last ten years!!! Now that would have been a stroll down memory lane!!

How sweet is it to be married to your best friend? It's sweet!! How much fun is it to be married to someone who makes you laugh all the time?? It's FUN!!
"Two Peas in a Pod" thats us!!

Happy Anniversary to us!!! Whoop Whoop!!!